Barbary Sheep, Oryx, and Persian Ibex, our Barbary Sheep hunts are offered on private ranches as well as public lands. The private ranch hunts are conducted similarly to the antelope hunts; glassing from the truck with short hikes throughout the day. Barbary Sheep are very nomadic with bands of sheep moving through the ranch quite regularly. This hunt is perfect for single hunters looking for a trophy or groups of hunters looking for a unique experience. Our public land hunts are much more physically demanding and are conducted in extremely rugged cliff country located on the New Mexico and Texas border. This hunt is very rewarding, but is suggested only for hunters in excellent shape that are willing to push their physical limits. Shots vary during the hunts, but it’s recommended that hunters be comfortable shooting at ranges up to 600 yards.
Hunt TypeBarbary Sheep, Oryx, Persian IbexLocationsNM